Where kids, aka Superheroes, living with chronic health conditions, empower the world!
Why yes, you are! You’re a super kid, a superhero, and you’re super BRAVE.
Sign up to learn more or to be interviewed by Chloé and show the world how truly amazing you are.

Singer | Songwriter | Speaker
I created Super Brave Kids because I truly believe that children, who are living with chronic health conditions are real-life superheroes disguised as kids.
I believe that these kids who are facing such immense challenges have the answers to some of life’s most difficult questions, which is why I created an interview series titled: “Life Lessons From Super Kids.”
In honor of Humayra Bodhania, my eight-year-old friend (soul mate I honestly believe), who recently lost her battle to PH, I conceived The Smile Tour, which consists of my performing for children in hospitals throughout the US.
In the midst of the tour, something hit me. I had been under the impression that I was visiting kids in hospitals who were dealing with very serious health concerns. Although that was true, what struck me as I was going from room to room was that I was actually meeting real-life superheroes. What then followed was the realization that each kid possessed his or her own unique superpower.
As illuminating as it was to discover this, it was simultaneously heartbreaking. These amazing kids had no idea they were superheroes!
It became my mission to make the kids aware of their superhero selves and to create a loving and supportive community for families of superhero kids.
In addition to The Smile Tour, I travel around the US interviewing kids about their experiences as superheroes. (We also do interviews online. ) The idea behind these interviews is to not only remind these kids, who are facing chronic health challenges, that they are in fact real-life superheroes, but to also have them share with the world their incredible stories, their knowledge, and lessons they’ve learned along the way. I feel as though these kids, who have been through so much, have so much to share with the world.
I can’t wait for these Super Kids to share their powerful stories with YOU!